Sell Quickly
Selling? Are you a seller looking to move your product quickly to the right buyer? We work with major corporations and qualified fuel re-sellers and we can help with that! We move small and large quantities direct and through buyers for some of the largest corporations in the world. FedEx, American Airlines, Jet Blue, India Air, Carnival Cruise Lines, Costco just to name a few. We have buyers who source for major airlines, cruise lines and gas stations across the country, foreign governments and corporations alike. If you are a Seller that has title and want to move your product immediately and continuously through annual contracts then give us a call. All of our buyers are verified and have produced the necessary documentation to show they are ready, willing and able to purchase. We are here to quickly execute transactions for our buyers and sellers to keep up with their ever increasing demand for petroleum products globally.
Sellers we can move fuel products from any major port in world. We require without exception all sellers to be the Title holder of the fuel. You must be able to provide the SGA report, the Injection report and a Testation letter from the bank with a minimum of 2 bank officers signatures.